Getting Started

Since this repo has not been published as a package yet, please clone the repo and use it for you automation purpose.


  1. Navigate to the directory you want to clone into
  2. Type git clone
  3. Navigate to the created directory
  4. run npm i to install all the dependencies
  5. run tsc to compile the ts files to js
  6. Now a new folder named dist will be created, which will contain all the javascript files.

Initial Configurations#

  1. Please login to your notion account
  2. Now open your browser devtools using appropriate shortcut, Ctrl + shift + i for chrome.
  3. Navigate to the Applications panel.
  4. Click on cookie drawer and select to view all the cookie stored by notion client.
  5. The only cookie that you'll need is the token_v2
  6. Please copy it as it'll be used for auth purposes.

You should never reveal/disclose/share your token with anyone else. Please store the token as an environment variable to minimize accidental disclose.

First steps#

// Import from the dist folder
const Nishan = require("./dist");
const nishan = new Nishan({
token: /* Paste your copied token here */,
timeout: 500 /* Timeout between each request */,
logger: undefined // undefined or a cb function that is passed method, subject and the subject id
const user = await nishan.getNotionUser((user)=>user.given_name === "Devon");
const space = await user.getSpace((space)=> === "My Notion");
const page = await space.getRootPage((page)=>[0][0] === "My Page");
await page.delete();

Please refer to the api section to see all the methods available in the classes.

Last updated on