Notion Formula

Notion provides formula to dynamically calculate the value of a specific cell for a database.

If you navigate to your devtools and inspect the data, you'll see that this is how notion stores formula data. Lets take a look at an example of a simple notion formula:-

const formula = {
"type": "function",
"result_type": "number",
"name": "abs",
"args": [
"type": "constant",
"result_type": "number",
"value": "1",
"value_type": "number"

Parts of a formula argument#

  1. type: This is the type of the formula argument, which could have the values function | symbol | constant | property | operator.

  2. result_type: The computated type of the argument, which has the following values text | checkbox | date | number.

  3. name: Indicates either a property, operator,function or symbol name, this is absent in constant type

Formula Argument Result type#

Based on an arguments result_type it can be divided into the following types:

  1. checkbox: This sort of arguments return a boolean value.
  2. text: This sort of arguments return a string value.
  3. date: This sort of arguments return a date value
  4. number: This sort of arguments return a number value, which could either be integer or float.

Formula argument variants#

Based on an arguments type it can be divided into the following types:

  1. Symbol: A formula argument which is used to indicate fixed constant values like true, false, e and pi
  2. Property: A formula argument which is used to reference the value of another property of the schema
  3. Constant: A formula argument which is used to indicate a literal constant value like a number or a text.
  4. Function: A formula argument which is used to create a function.
  5. Operator: A separate representation of functions, by using symbols like +, - instead of add and subtract respectively.
All variants have result_type

Each of the variants return an argument of a specific result_type.

Property Reference Argument#

The computed value of a property can be used as a formula argument. Inside notion it works by using the schema unit name inside the prop function, eg prop("Title"), would return the value stored in that cell.

This is how notion stores a property formula argument

type: 'property', // has type of `property`
id: 'title', // id of the property
name: 'Title', // name of the property, same as the one used inside prop
result_type: 'text', // result_type of the formula argument
Schema unit type coercion

Even though there are multiple schema unit types, all of them are coerced into the types supported by the result_type.

Nested Function Argument#

Functions gives formulas superpowers and thus notion provides a handful of them. Visit notion functions, to learn in details about everything function.

This is how notion stores a function formula argument

type: 'function', // has type of `function`
result_type: 'number', // result_type of the formula argument
name: 'ceil', // name of the function
args: [
// A constant formula argument as function argument
type: 'constant',
result_type: 'number',
value_type: 'number',
value: '1'
] // arguments array of the function

Constant Literal Argument#

A formula argument which is used to indicate a literal constant value like a number or a text.

Different from Symbol

Constants are different from symbols as symbols can only contain four possible values, while constants con contain infinity variants of values

This is how notion stores a constant formula argument

type: 'constant', // has type of `constant`
result_type: 'number', // the result_type of the formula argument
value_type: 'number', // the value_type indicates whether its a string or a number
value: '1' // the actual value,

Operator Function Argument#

A separate representation of functions, by using operators like +, - instead of keywords like add and subtract respectively. Internally all operators except for the ternary operator ?: maps to a function.

This is how notion stores a constant formula argument

type: 'operator', // has type of `operator`
result_type: 'number', // the result_type of the operator
operator: '+', // the operator used
name: 'add', // the name of the function mapped to the operator
args: [
type: 'constant',
result_type: 'number',
value_type: 'number',
value: '1'
type: 'constant',
result_type: 'number',
value_type: 'number',
value: '2'
] // similar to the arguments of function argument,

Symbol Literal Argument#

A formula argument which is used to indicate fixed constant values like true, false, e and pi

It contains the following values:-

  1. true: A checkbox rt symbol, with name true
  2. false: A checkbox rt symbol with name false
  3. e: A number rt symbol with name e
  4. pi: A number rt symbol with name pi

This is how notion stores a symbol formula argument

name: 'e', // name of the symbol
result_type: 'checkbox'; // return type of the symbol
type: 'symbol'; // has type of `symbol`

Variants of formula arguments#

Due to the existence of result_type and type, the following variants of arguments arises

Number x type variants#

  1. number x symbol: A symbol type argument that returns number as result_type. Eg: e | pi
  2. number x constant: A symbol type argument that returns number as result_type. Eg: 1 | 10
  3. number x property: A property type argument that returns number as result_type. Eg: prop("Number")
  4. number x function: A property type argument that returns number as result_type. Eg: abs(1)
  5. number x operator: A property type argument that returns number as result_type. Eg: 1 + 1

Text x type variants#

  1. text x constant: A constant type argument that returns text as result_type. Eg: "1" | "a"
  2. text x property: A property type argument that returns text as result_type. Eg: prop("Text")
  3. text x function: A property type argument that returns text as result_type. Eg: concat("a", "b")
  4. text x operator: A property type argument that returns text as result_type. Eg: "b" + "a"
No symbol for text

Text result_type arguments does not have a symbol type

Checkbox x type variants#

  1. checkbox x symbol: A symbol type argument that returns checkbox as result_type. Eg: true | false
  2. checkbox x property: A property type argument that returns checkbox as result_type. Eg: prop("Checkbox")
  3. checkbox x function: A property type argument that returns checkbox as result_type. Eg: and(true, false)
  4. checkbox x operator: A property type argument that returns checkbox as result_type. Eg: true and false
No constant for text

Checkbox result_type arguments does not have a constant type

Date x type variants#

  1. date x property: A property type argument that returns date as result_type. Eg: prop("Date")
  2. date x function: A property type argument that returns date as result_type. Eg: now()
No constant,symbol for date

Date result_type arguments does not have constant and symbol variants

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