
Inline block module as the name suggests is responsible for creating, decorating and formatting inline blocks. These inline blocks can be embedded inside of a text, thus they are known as inline blocks. These generated blocks can then be used in the title properties of various blocks.

There are various kinds of inline blocks that Notion supports:

  1. Date
  2. Mention
  3. Page
  4. Equation
  5. Text
  6. Links

All the above inline blocks can be highlighted with a few selection of colors and background colors.

Inline Texts#

Adding texts#

const { inlineText } = require("@nishans/utils");
console.log(inlineText("text").add(" extra").text);
// [["text"],[" extra"]]

Text Extra Image

Adding Links#

const { inlineText } = require("@nishans/utils");
// [["google",[["a",""]]]]

Adding Formats#

const { inlineText } = require("@nishans/utils");
console.log(inlineText("text bold").bold.add(" extra italic").italic.text);
// [["text bold", [["b"]]],[" extra italic", [["i"]]]]

Text Bold Extra Italic Image

Adding highlight colors#

const { inlineText } = require("@nishans/utils");
console.log(inlineText("text red background").redbg.add(" extra blue bold").blue.bold.text);
// [["text red background",[["h","red_background"]]],[" extra blue bold",[["h","blue"],["b"]]]]

Text Red Extra Blue Bold Image

How add works

All the format methods called after add will work on that chuck of inline block. For example

const { inlineText } = require("@nishans/utils");
// [["text"],["extra",[["h","blue"],["b"]]]]
// Note that ["text"] is empty since the blue bold formats has been applied to the last add block "extra"
Call text

Remember to call the text property at last to get the actual format value suitable to be used as a title.

Check out the API section to learn more about the supported highlight, formats and methods.

Inline date#

A fully featured date/time system can also be integrated as an inline block.

const { inlineDate } = require("@nishans/utils");
// [["‣",[["d",{"type":"date","start_date":"2021-02-03","date_format":"relative"}]]]]

Inline Mention#

Another workspace user can be mentioned using inline mention

const { inlineMention } = require("@nishans/utils");
// [["‣",[["u","12f85506-b758-481a-92b1-73984a90300a"]]]]

Inline Page#

Another workspace page can be referenced using inline page, which creates a link to that page.

const { inlinePage } = require("@nishans/utils");
// [["‣",[["p","12f85506-b758-481a-92b1-73984a90300a"]]]]

Inline Equation#

Notion supports inline equations as well.

const { inlineEquation } = require("@nishans/utils");
console.log(inlineEquation("x ^ 2").text);
// [["⁍",[["e","x ^ 2"]]]]
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